Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mark Lipinski

Gregarious Mark Lipinski was in Portland last week for Quilt Market. When he held "the wildest half hour at Schoolhouse" you couldn't get in the door. Sheesh. Kinda like the Barak Obama of quilting (who ironically was in town the same weekend), he needed to be staged at Pioneer Square or Waterfront Park. Later I wandered over to Mark's booth where he was signing copies of his magazine Quilter's Home; three ladies surrounding him asked me to snap a picture. He had been telling them he was no writer. Gimme a break. Talking with such flair as Mark does translates into an entertaining read. When it was my turn to get my two minutes of xoxom, I mentioned that in a much earlier life, I did some writing and think he writes very well. He said, "You're a writer? Well, you should write for me!" As if. For the last 20 years I have been staying at home to raise my kids. His response? "Dude, before this...I was a stripper!" That must explain why he signed my magazine "Quilt Naked Cupcake!" Enough said.

Copyright 2008, Sharon Baggs

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love that Mark! But really, he's always looking for more writers! Take him up on it if you want a little work. But be warned, he's a last-minute guy sometimes!!!

    I wrote about him last week on my blog
